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The church Museum of the Metropolis is located in a room under the central stairs of the church of Agios Nikolaos while the bookstore of the ...
The leading asset and flagship of Hermoupolis Heritage is the former textile factory of Zisimatos the only one of its kind that is preserved intact with ...
The Municipal Theater of Apollo is an emblem of Ermoupolis and is inextricably linked with its history. The city a creation of refugees at the beginning ...
KYVELI INSTITUTE – SYROS Hermoupolis of Syros was chosen as the seat of the “Kyveli Institute” because it was there that Kyveli aged 16 appeared ...
Markos Vamvakaris Museum began operating in 1995 twenty-three years after the February that the voice of the teacher of rebetiko silenced in Nikaia of Piraeus. The ...
THE MUSEUMThe Markos Vamvakaris Museum began operating in 1995 twenty-three years after that February when the voice of the rebetiko song teacher died in Nicaea - ...
"SALT WATER DIVERS" of Syros can offer you: a) SCUBA certification courses at all levels b) diving excursions to spectacular underwater locations around the island under ...
INDUSTRIAL AND SHIPPING HERMOUPOLIS Hermoupolis was a city of refugees of Greek Revolution and the first city of commerce shipping and industry. Even in our days ...
Mike Salvagos of Chios extraction first took the initiative to form a mutal company to collect money for the construction of the city's Theatre and the ...
In our shop, Thalassa,you can find a wide variety of: swimming accessoriesnautical clothingfishing accessoriesboatsmarine enginesspearfishing and freedivingSalt Water Divers
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